About: Mungo vs Ranger (MVSR)

Welcome to our site, and thank you for visiting Mungo vs Ranger.
The primary purpose of this website is to share our knowledge about small print book publishing, with homage to the original Mungo vs Ranger venture which created 7 editions of their Book review, from 1999. to 2003.
Not only that, but the original Mungo vs Ranger website, artistic book reviews, writing and book publishing. as well.
This site was really built with you in mind and we hope you will find it useful.
Your comments or questions are of course welcome.
If anyone has a public domain copy of any of the content from the original publications, or the author of the MVSR editions would like us to distribute copies from this website, please contact us through our Contact page here.
Now to take fans and contributors of the original Mungo vs Ranger website down memory lane, we provide the original website text below:
ABOUT MVSR (Mungo vs Ranger)
Mungo vs. Ranger is published quarterly in the Bear Republic and distributed to bookstores and newsstands up and down the West Coast, and to a few random points East besides. It is edited by JEREMIAH MCNICHOLS and ROGER SNELL. Its handsome print version is designed by SHAWN HAZEN, its web page by JEREMIAH MCNICHOLS. The page was [originally] designed on an IBM and optimized for Netscape; internet users whose browser of choice is IE may find themselves faced with some strange permutations. Blame Microsoft. Free buttons were provided byJ ELANE K. JOHNSON of JELANE’S FREE WEB GRAPHICS. See IN PRINT for information on where to find MVSR and how to order it directly. [MVSR publications are no longer available.]
The following is the Table of Contents, for the first edition, reproduced from the original which was stored on the WayBack machine (Internet Archive):
Jack Greene Untitled, Parenthetically / Simulacrum at the Natural History Museum / Where French Fries Come From / Sublunary Ice Cream Tsering Wangmo Dhompa When birds flew / Visions 1 / Distance Lisa Miller composite / cruise / trace Cedar Sigo The Smoking Car / E.S.P. – a final notice prior to disconnection Kevin Opstedal In the Air / Distance Bob Arnold How It’s Done / A True Story / Tom Newall Lisa Trank Swimming Lessons Roger Snell Trieste / The Answer Michael Smoler Between Praise and the Writing Table Diana Rickard August / For Karlyn Dale Smith Apollonian Hymn / [Cabeza de Vaca Revisited] / Folk Ways Bill Scheffel Talking With… / How’s Your Relationship Going Mike? Doris Pai An abbreviated history on the way of tea Michael Rothenberg First Thoughts Jeremiah McNichols Itzhak’s Rule Jeni Olin Bob Dylan / meryl streep / Billie Holiday Jerry Tumlinson (The Vultures) Chris Bevens From Soil and Civilization Rachel Levitsky From Cartographies of Error Andrew Schelling Dream Haibun / Haibun at Buckskin Lake / Eleusinian Haibun / Haibun Gazetteer |
Are / Pidgin Bones Shall You Uncover (an acrostic chance) Drunkard’s Promise Fra Angelico / Blade Passing Homage to Benoist’s Portrait of a Negress Crow Koan / Elder’s Prelude Hiram Thinks of Elder / Instructions AUTHOR INTERVIEW |
Back in 1999 it was perfectly accepatble to require submissions of articles by snail-mail/ post as we see in the original MSVR SUBMISSIONS Policy page reproduced below:
Mungo vs. Ranger encourages submissions from both established writers and talented unknowns. We are currently looking for previously unpublished short fiction (5,000 words maximum), poetry (2-5 pages per submission), critical essays (on any topic – the less predictable the better – as it relates to poetry and prose fiction), and short reviews of current small-press releases, as well as interviews, ephemera and found texts.
Send your submission with an SASE for reply to: Mungo vs. Ranger, 632 Lyon Street, San Francisco, CA 94117. No submissions will be returned, but expect a reply within three weeks of the quarterly submission deadline. Our deadline for our Summer issue has passed, but submissions are already being accepted for our Fall 1999 issue, with a deadline set at AUGUST 1.
Contributors are paid in copies of the journal issue in which their work appears. For a sample copy of the print version, click on MVSR IN PRINT at left for details.
Welcome to the first monthly issue of the online companion to Mungo vs. Ranger, international quarterly of poetry and prose. Read from our current issue or view our debut in the archives, find out about our contributors and creative staff, learn how to submit your own work, sift through our INBOX for our recommendations in print and online, order our magazine in its full glory from our REAL BOOKS section and drop us an email. Click on CONTENTS above to start reading this month’s online material.
See also our REAL BOOKS article for more of the original Mungo vs Ranger website content.
We Welcome your comments and any information you can provide about this publishing venture.